Canada is well known around the world for its vibrant cities and multicultural identity. Cities like Vancouver function as “gateways” to foreign countries, providing a cultural reference point for local-to-global engagements.
The key to optimizing Vancouver’s “locational advantage” as a global knowledge and innovation hub is developing a curator’s instinct for new sources of social and economic value as well as a strategist’s aptitude for combining different, but complementary perspectives, in an integrated manner.
Follow the conversation in Vancouver and learn more about VSIR’s growing contribution to the social, economic, and intellectual life of this exceptional city.
Build Back Better: A Nation in Space
Unrestricted access to outer space and mobility in space is increasingly important for Canada’s sovereignty, national security, and future economic prosperity. A renewed global interest in space exploration might be the catalyst needed to revitalize Canada’s lackluster economy.
Build Back Better: Supercharging Canada’s Post-Pandemic Transition
The COVID-19 pandemic battered Canada’s underperforming and highly indebted economy, and a slow growth future is probably unavoidable without a transformational strategy.
Has the Time Arrived for an Immigration Reset in Canada?
In these turbulent times, the Government of Canada must be resolute in the transparent protection of the country’s immigration advantage.
Unfinished Business: Securing Canada’s Post-Pandemic Transition
Amidst an unfinished COVID-19 pandemic recovery, Canada must strengthen its strategic alliances to deter militaristic threats while finding common purpose with its adversaries to build a more sustainable and resilient future.
Revitalizing Canada’s Commitment to the Global Health Security Agenda
The global COVID-19 pandemic underscores that Canada faces an imperiled future unless it develops a more nuanced understanding of global health security and adopts forward-looking measures to recalibrate its foreign policy priorities.
Innovating Canada’s Immigration Regime for the Post-Pandemic Era
The shortcomings of Canada’s managed migration system pose a strategic risk to the country’s future economic and social security, but they can be overcome with a more innovative policy framework that looks beyond the global pandemic.
Shifting From the Pandemic to a Sustainable and Secure Future
Canada’s exit from the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic may not be risk-free but with proactive investments in sustainable urbanism coupled with a renewed federalism, the country’s future might be more secure.
Canada’s social and economic future requires that it develop a multifaceted strategy for competing successfully in the global knowledge economy and strengthening its resilience to a bewildering set of global challenges.
The COVID-19 pandemic is an ever-changing threat to global health security. Designing a global pandemic intelligence hub that actively promotes interdisciplinary risk analysis has never been more urgent.
A 2020 policy lesson is that the pandemic recovery strategy needs to help more people, in more places, and more often which is why the future of Canadian cities could be a “sleeper” campaign issue in 2021.