Year in Review: 2019

It is an exciting time to be in Vancouver and participate in the intellectual life of this exceptional city. In this standalone document, VSIR reviews the highlights of 2019 and examines some of the top aspirations for 2020. 

As you read this year-end report, please consider how your organization might work together with VSIR in the unyielding pursuit of social and economic value creation.  

If you are a mission-driven organization interested in strategic research, interdisciplinary learning and foresight analysis, we would like to hear from you. 

VSIR also welcomes the opportunity for collaborative partnerships and continued engagement on the “big picture” issues facing Canada’s municipal and business leaders.

Year in Review: 2020

In 2020, VSIR persevered through the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic and improved on the achievements of the previous year. It was a period of intense retrospection and forward-looking analysis.

The pandemic-altering experiences of 2020 confirmed the importance of knowledge mobilization effectiveness and the value of strategic intelligence. In this Year in Review report, VSIR reflects on the highlights of 2020 and examines some of the opportunities anticipated in 2021.

As you read this year-end report, please consider how your organization might work together with VSIR in the unyielding pursuit of social and economic value creation.

If you are a mission-driven organization interested in strategic research, interdisciplinary learning and foresight analysis, we would like to hear from you.

Year in Review: 2021

In 2021, VSIR made important progress on its main objectives. Amidst the turbulence of the global COVID-19 pandemic, VSIR was able to grow the business model, delivery quality services, and nurture collaborative partnerships.

Looking back on the year, one clear lesson stood out: Adaptive leadership is intrinsically linked to knowledge mobilization and strategic intelligence.

From VSIR’s vantage point, bridging knowledge mobilization and strategic intelligence is both the challenge and the opportunity for 2022.  
Contact VSIR to learn how to better anticipate future risks and opportunities and to put that new knowledge to work for your organization.