Jun 20, 2018


Host: SFU Public Square

Date: 26 Feb. 2018

Description: This mini-conference was designed to identify trends and opportunities related to the future of work, and to stimulate discussion and connection between local and regional sector leaders.

Background: SFU Public Square convenes diverse communities through its annual Community Summit. The first Community Summit, Alone Together: Connecting in the City, (Sept. 2012) addressed the issue of isolation and disconnection in the urban environment. The theme of 2018, Brave New Work, invited participants to think critically about how to thrive in the changing world of work.

VSIR Thinking Points:

  • The velocity of technological disruption is altering how we organize and value work. This generates a lot of social, economic, and political uncertainty. On the one hand, there are growing concerns about the adaptive capability of traditional institutional structures, business models, leadership practices, labour laws, and training regimes. On the other hand, burgeoning knowledge and capability gaps create extraordinary opportunities for risk-taking entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.
  • The scale of technological disruption is not distributed evenly across space, sector, or society. As national economies fragment, the premium on frugal innovation, organizational learning, and shortened learning curves will rise commensurately. Communities, civil society organizations, and individuals will need to work collaboratively at anticipating change, creating rather than just capturing new sources of knowledge, and networking.
  • Ironically, the rapid spread of advanced information and communication technologies has amplified, not diminished, the significance of social networks and trust relations. In the global knowledge economy, superior economic performance will be tied to the ability to scale-up human-centred technologies and to scale-down information asymmetries.

Agenda and Speakers: http://www.sfu.ca/publicsquare/2018-summit.html


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